电影 他们是神



  • 片名:他们是神
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:特伦斯·希尔/布德·斯藩塞/斯特芬·扎哈里亚斯/丹·斯图基/
  • 导演:恩佐·巴博尼/
  • 年份:1970
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:喜剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2024-06-26 22:10
  • 简介:The movie concerns about Trinity(Terence Hill=Mario Girotti)a roguish and cocky gunman with fast weapon who works as bounty hunter.His brother Bambino(Bud Spencer)is sheriff in a village but is also an undercover thief which attempts execute a heist.  The'll face off against a rich owner(Farley Granger) and a Mexican marauders who try evict to a Mormons group. They help to the pacific settles and the confrontation will be inevitable but is developed by means of successive fights without blood,neither gore or cruel murders.The violence isn't crude but slight and predominates the comedy and parody. The storyline is embarrassment and ridiculous but has its agreeable moments here and there.It's a spaghetti western with humor and narrates the usual issuesinvincible antiheroes,spectacular showdown ,violent taking on but united to slapstick and simple humor.It's an entertained Italian western with adequate runtime where there are irony,tongue in check,shoot outs,numerous struggles and is quite funny and amused. Terence Hill is sympathetic,hilarious and likable; Bud Spencer is rough, two fisted,bouncing ,grumpy man but with good heart,their characters are similar to Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.The film is a spoof of famous films as ¨the magnificent seven¨ and ¨blazed saddles ¨but covered with spaghetti.The picture obtained a sequel with the same protagonists and director¨Trinity is still my name¨.Besides originated a series of awful imitations and copies. Ratingnice and bemused.
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给影片打分 《他们是神》
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首页 电影 喜剧片 他们是神


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The movie concerns about Trinity(Terence Hill=Mario Girotti)a roguish and cocky gunman with fast weapon who works as bounty hunter.His brother Bambino(Bud Spencer)is sheriff in a village but is also an undercover thief which attempts execute a heist.  The'll face off against a rich owner(Farley Granger) and a Mexican marauders who try evict to a Mormons group. They help to the pacific settles and the confrontation will be inevitable but is developed by means of successive fights without blood,neither gore or cruel murders.The violence isn't crude but slight and predominates the comedy and parody. The storyline is embarrassment and ridiculous but has its agreeable moments here and there.It's a spaghetti western with humor and narrates the usual issuesinvincible antiheroes,spectacular showdown ,violent taking on but united to slapstick and simple humor.It's an entertained Italian western with adequate runtime where there are irony,tongue in check,shoot outs,numerous struggles and is quite funny and amused. Terence Hill is sympathetic,hilarious and likable; Bud Spencer is rough, two fisted,bouncing ,grumpy man but with good heart,their characters are similar to Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.The film is a spoof of famous films as ¨the magnificent seven¨ and ¨blazed saddles ¨but covered with spaghetti.The picture obtained a sequel with the same protagonists and director¨Trinity is still my name¨.Besides originated a series of awful imitations and copies. Ratingnice and bemused.


  • HD
    8.0 胡歌/高圆圆/岳红/周野芒/金靖/刘钧/甘昀宸/刘仪伟/张鲁一/袁弘/王真儿/赫子铭/小爱/滕哲/
  • HD
    7.0 闫妮/姚晨/沙溢/喻恩泰/倪虹洁/姜超/肖剑/岳跃利/王磊/午马/
  • HD
    9.0 尼克·克罗尔/罗丝·伯恩/鲍比·坎纳瓦尔/乔尔·麦克哈尔/凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德/鲍拉·加茜丝/乔西·查尔斯/简·科拉克斯基/鲍比·莫尼汉/迈克·比尔比利亚/杰森·曼楚克斯/
  • 全83集
    7.0 张家辉/吴镇宇/姚乐怡/小雪/吴孟达/江欣燕/施念慈/李力持/八两金/海俊杰/
  • HD
    3.0 西格妮·韦弗/雷·利奥塔/蒂姆·艾伦/肯顿·迪蒂/
  • HD
    6.0 郑在泳/金南佶/严志媛/李秀卿/郑家蓝/朴仁焕/申正根/吴义植/金基天/李东熙/具本雄/柳淳哲/崔钟律/李英锡/李晟宇/李家晴/刘炳洙/吴顺泰/金妍贞/郑宇荣/高东亨/张恩钟/纪焕/崔英民/蔡恩珠/金昌朱/全裴修/
  • HD
    2.0 大卫·阿奎特/卡瑞·伍尔/汤姆·诺南/斯嘉丽·约翰逊/瑞克·欧弗顿/
  • HD
    5.0 野川由美子/和田浩治/川地民夫/宫城千贺子/伊藤琉璃子/松尾嘉代/
  • HD
    5.0 扎克·加利根/Jennifer/Bassey/乔·贝克/
  • HD
    5.0 扎克·加利根/Monika/Schnarre/马汀·坎普/布鲁斯·坎贝尔/
  • HD
    8.0 马蒂尔达·劳勒/艾丽森·汉妮根/本·施瓦茨/本杰明·埃文·安斯沃思/丹尼·朴迪/安娜·迪佛·史密斯/鲍比·莫尼汉/约翰·卡西尔/詹妮安·加罗法洛/凯特·米库奇/克里斯汀·李/大卫·穆利尔查德/西蒙·钱/克雷格·哈斯/
  • HD
    1.0 艾米莉亚·克拉克/切瓦特·埃加福/雯叶特·罗宾逊/维利·德杰格/拉玛拉·斯翠吉哈蒂格/艾玛·德·普特/吉永·赫尔/卡雷尔·凡·库特森/大卫·比伦/伯纳德·加兰特/阿什林·法瑞尔/本尼迪克特·兰兹伯特-努恩/帕德里克·特利/保罗·基扎·阿曼尼/伦纳德·桑托斯/洛琳妮·阿斯拉蒂安/马莱卡·威尔森/阿诺什卡·范·库伦/娜塔丽·欧帕尔/拉米·莫哈拉姆·佛阿德/
  • HD
    3.0 欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯/萨玛拉·维文/马克思·格林菲尔德/贝琪·勃兰特/卡门·萨丽娜斯/阿莫里·诺拉斯科/阿曼多·汤姆森/马利索·妮可/约翰·皮鲁切洛/拉维·帕特尔/阿莱克斯·费尔南德斯/诺埃米·冈萨雷斯/米丽娜·里韦罗/克里斯·加恩/威尔莫·卡德隆/薇薇安娜·查维斯/迈克·巴什/金永/Tiana/Okoye/Carlos/Santos/Diany/Rodriguez/Joshua/Vasquez/
  • HD
    9.0 郝劭文/吴宗宪/翁虹/
  • HD
    8.0 卡门·马奇/宝拉·乌塞罗/Anis/Doroftei/努丽雅·冈萨雷斯/Pablo/Chiapella/曼诺罗·索洛/Dairon/Tallon/Adrián/López/Pau/Márquez/Adrián/Marín/Diego/Neira/迭戈·穆尼奥斯/Divine/Ogbebor/Víctor/Pons/álex/Boquizo/
  • HD
    1.0 阿曼达·比尔斯/托尼·托德/戴夫·谢里登/田川洋行/戴安娜·普林斯/娜奥米·格罗斯曼/罗伯特·拉萨多/伊娃·哈伯曼/芭芭拉·尼德尔加科娃/拉尔·帕克·林肯/米克·加里斯/琳恩·劳里/亚纱美/努什·斯考根/扬·伯奇/J·拉罗斯/德特勒夫·博特/尼克·普林西比/麦凯拉·沙夫拉思/托马斯·莫里斯/多米尼克·布伦特/尼克·康沃尔/拉尔夫·瑞克特/Conny/Dachs/马迪斯·兰德维尔/光武藏人/托拜西·宣克/?奥利弗·卡尔科夫?/克里斯·泰辛格/格雷戈里·保罗·史密斯/尼娜·沃布罗特/迈克尔·博恩哈特/查尔斯·/
  • 正片
    9.0 滨津隆之/真鱼/主浜晴美/秋山柚稀/长屋和彰/细井学/市原洋/山崎俊太郎/大泽真一郎/竹原芳子/吉田美纪/合田纯奈/浅森咲希奈/山口友和/藤村拓矢/岩合智史/高桥恭子/
  • 第81-104集完结
    9.0 郭烁杰/刘芊辰/冉晨/丁一/
  • HD
    9.0 阿尔芭·罗尔瓦赫尔/梅丽莎·法拉斯科尼/葛丽泰·祖切里·蒙塔纳里/卡门·波梅拉/瓦莱丽亚·布鲁尼·泰德斯基/Lady/Maru/卢西亚诺·维尔加罗/卡罗·塔尔马蒂/菲比·萨皮亚/弗朗西斯卡·乌切利/
  • HD
    2.0 琳赛·摩根/安德鲁·桑提诺/伊冯娜·斯特拉霍夫斯基/克兰西·布朗/琼·黛安·拉斐尔/莉亚·麦肯德里克/迈克·韦尔奇/亚当·罗德里格兹/布瑞特·迪尔/米密·肯尼迪/艾戈·乌迪姆/克丽斯丁·哈杰/亨利·泽布罗夫斯基/马克斯·阿德勒/鲁西·科塔/劳拉塞隆/埃米莉·张/迈克·C·曼宁/斯特灵·苏利曼/摩根·布拉德利/
  • HD
    3.0 曾志伟/恬妞/陈家乐/周家怡/许靖韵/石修/方力申/张建声/刘美娟/杨千攸/艾妮/张松枝/卢宛茵/李家鼎/梁爱/麦美恩/张达伦/黄翠如/张雷/车婉婉/洪松荫/袁浩杨/李赏/丁子朗/
  • HD
    4.0 里克·莫拉尼斯/马特·弗里沃/玛西亚·斯特拉斯曼/克里斯汀·萨瑟兰/托马斯·威尔逊·布朗/杰瑞德·拉什顿/艾米·奥尼尔/罗伯特·奥利维里/卡尔·斯蒂文/马克·L·泰勒/Kimmy/Robertson/Lou/Cutell/Laura/Waterbury/Trevor/Galtress/Martin/Aylett/
  • HD
    6.0 温斯洛·费格雷/丹尼·格洛弗/德雷克·迪勒/Lindura/德里克·麦凯布/Cihang/Ma/杰西卡·格罗西/莱昂尼达斯·卡斯特罗尼斯/克莱拉·斯塔克/麦迪逊·凯拉姆/兰道尔·爱德华/Anthony/Joo/Ayden/Elijah/Dakota/Jamal/Wellman/Imogen/Cohen/Mike/Chute/Stuart/Fink/Hudson/Robert/Wurster/布列塔尼·夏洛特·史密斯/Camila/Rodriguez/
  • HD
    7.0 斯琴高娃/周润发/关文硕/卢燕/史可/方青卓/王子文/焦刚/张芝华/陈逸恒/陈奇/周爱林/王怡/郭晓婷/
  • HD
    9.0 金允石/正宇/韩孝周/金喜爱/张铉诚/晋久/姜河那/赵福来/
  • HD
    8.0 李知勋/韩胜妍/高圭弼/金胤成/李宥俊/郑爱延/
  • HD
    2.0 罗克·赫德森/吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达/桑德拉·狄/
  • HD
    4.0 弗莱德·麦克莫瑞/南希·奥尔森/
  • HD
    5.0 关南施/詹姆斯·繁田/Juanita/Hall/Jack/Soo/邝炳雄/梅木三吉/佐藤铃子/杨森/Kam/Tong/杨秀/
  • HD
    2.0 连姆·尼森/奥利弗·普莱特/何塞·祖尼加/麦克·狄罗伦佐/理查德·希夫/本·韦伯/保罗·本-维克托/




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